Autumn On The EB

Autumn On The EB

Friday, August 18, 2017

High & Dry With The Millers Bivisible, Your Comments And This Weekend

"Then I wrote it off as one of those days when I went fishing just to go fishing, not caring whether I caught anything or not - until I was on the water" - John Gierach

Note: a pair of Ovis sunglasses were lost by a reader down by Cady Lane. If you find them let me know!

Years ago I highlighted this fly on my blog as a sure fire way to bring trout UP during the Summer months. It got a very good response as fly fishers told the tales of good catches throughout New England while casting into the riffles and even pools with this creation. It still works as I took trout tonight on the Millers. It has the reputation as a riffle/pocket fly BUT it does well in calm sections of the river that you will fish. It will imitate caddis/stoneflies and land based insects that tumble into the water but it seems to work best in heavier currents because of its construction.

Hook - size 12 to 16 standard dry fly hook
Body - Gray works good and bright yellow seems to work better
Hackle - Any darker hackle from the rear to lighter hackle up front
Wing - Very fine deer hair tied straight up

The Bivisible name comes from two different colored hackles palmered in with the lighter up front. I've used darker up front and a lighter color throughout the mid and rear of the fly with good results. I've even taken a sharpie to color sections of the hackles and that worked too. Sometimes I've use the same color hackle for the whole fly. Color aside, it's a high floater with good visibility that looks like a living insect, stream born or terrestrial.

Note - don't crowd the hackles as you wind them in. Keep them sparse. It will float better. Use the dry "shake" powder and not the liquids or gels and stay away from the powder that comes with a brush. I'll explain that later.

My last 10 posts generated 129 comment and 70% were from YOU READERS!!!!! My platform, and all others, will not differentiation between your comments and mine and they get lumped together in the same total but I keep my words at a minimum (will answer questions directed to me) which means the comment section is YOUR section to respond, agree or disagree with what I say and you do this in great numbers! In short, this comment section is a blog within a blog with lots of information and insight. There's information in this blog's comment section that is invaluable and it is being read!!! There's no other regional source of fly fishing information that can claim this. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK.

This weekend - Fish the Swift whenever you can but fish the others at dusk.  That's when the action starts!!!!



Hibernation said...


Cool fly - makes me think of an Ausable Bomber, with different colors. I'm curious the colors in the pic - it looks like the same hackle color through out? It may be - my suspicion is that that would likely work. But, I'm curious because it could just be my laptop monitor too :)

I'm excited to try it out - thanks for sharing it with us!


hockey_dad said...

Ken- you're the one doing the good work ! Your insightful and informative comments start things off and the ball get's rolling from there. When I was up in Pittsburg NH this June every guy I talked to from MA was a fan of your blog even 3 guys I met at Boundary Pond on the Canadian border. I do have one question for you: do you read ani body other than Gierach ? How about Tom McGuane !

Millers River Flyfisher said...


That fly has only one color hackle which takes the "Bi" out of Bivisible. Sometimes if I'm in a hurry that will happen. To see an older one use the search box on my home page and type in "Millers Bivisible" to see a 2 toned fly.


Thanks for the nice words! I read a lot but Gierach is the most quotable


Anonymous said...

Hello Ken -

I see from your website that you are offering a free guide to the Miller River. I would be most grateful if you would send me one.

Thank you very much!

Best regards,


Dalton Jones said...

Hey ken fished the swift this morning at the pipe section and was the only one there for a few hours only took two brook trout on comparuduns as I headed down stream..even tied up some snowshoe hare emergers to try and if there were bigger fish they weren't having them but I really think it was few and far between on the bows and browns and when I left there was only one other fly fisher fishing the pipe section.... guess it's better then being skunked! P.S love the blog and love reading the comments and always have!

Millers River Flyfisher said...


It's been feast or famine down there this year. I counted 11 cars in the parking area at 3pm but only 1 at 7:30 pm .


Millers River Flyfisher said...


It's been feast or famine down there this year. I counted 11 cars in the parking area at 3pm but only 1 at 7:30 pm .


Sam said...

No action early on last night, Ken, in the zone I fish until I hear a bunch of crows making a ruckus as they often do when a hawk is in the area. It was a bird of prey that had them upset, but it was no hawk. A beautiful eagle was winging its way downstream and I got a good view of it as it flew not 20' over my head as if it didn't see me. What a sight!

Later on I jockeyed for position with two beavers in an area where I saw one rising, very subtle takes which could have been fallfish or brookies. The beavers finally cleared out and the trout was still sipping on top. A size 14 parachute adams floated into the zone was received with a vicious attack, unlike the sipping takes I had seen on the naturals. A very nice rainbow was caught and quickly release. It never gets old.

Millers River Flyfisher said...


I love your reports because it will almost always be about rising trout and that's what keeps my heart beating. You fish at dusk, in low light, and that is a magical time. Sometimes I think when I'm on a river at dusk you and others are doing the same thing. That makes us true traditional dry fly fishers. No bankers hours here, just the traditional EVENING RISE and that great satisfaction of being there when it happens! Sometimes we win and sometimes we don't but we were there and that is the point!!


Sam said...

I love it, Ken. I just don't get to fish enough! I look forward to joining you in the retired ranks in a few years so I can fish to my heart's content.

Best Regards, Sam