It's almost like being cursed. This summer has been the wettest for my three favorite watersheds, the Millers, the Swift and the Westfield. The Millers, with the exception of a few days were the flow dropped into the 300 cfs range, has been roaring. The placid Swift has had extra water from the overflow which ruined most of July. Only the EB of the Westfield has come through for us. It rises quickly but drops just as fast. As I write the Millers is at 280cfs and the Westfield is around 180. Perfect for both rivers. But Friday/Saturday we will hit by a hurricane which is expected to dump 3 to 4 inches on us. The Millers and the Westfield will rise quickly. Even the Swift will be effected if the Quabbin overflows. Put some good thoughts into the air, folks. Pray it doesn't happen!
In the meantime - The Swift below Rt 9 has been deserted by 5pm on weeknights. Plenty of elbow room and plenty of rainbows and a few small brookies thrown in. Not much surface action but if the water drops (haha) dry fly fishing should pick up. "Hotspots" are my fly of choice.
I spent two hours at the Bliss Pool on the EB Tuesday evening. Caught two and missed two on dries - a grasshopper for the first and then #16 sulphurs after that. Rises were sporatic at best. Met a "bamboo" guy who landed a monster 'bow at the head of the pool while fishing a dry. Nice fish!!
Check the flow links on this site from Friday onward. They could save you some time.
They started dumping water from the Quabbin today to make room for the anticipated rain this weekend. I was there while it went from 180 to 250 cfs. The temp also rose from 59 degrees to 64 degrees. Wading in some spots starts getting dicey at 250.
hit the EB this evening for some fishing with a buddy. Wasnt too focused and tossed some dries/attractors. Ended up hooking up with a monster rainbow. probably would have been my personal best rainbow if i had gotten him to the net. probably was a 20+" fish. Took a yellow humpy #14 foam back sorta thing I tied up. Didnt fight that hard at first but felt a lot of weight. Then the fish jumped about 2.5 feet out of the water and broke my 6x off. What a bummer!! landed one other small bow.
Anonymous -
Yup, you're right about the Quabbin overflow. One river down, two to go!
Jackson -
Way too light on the tippet material for that size fly on that river. I haven't gone smaller than 5x and the smallest dry fished so far is size #18. I usually start out fishing with surface stoneflies around #12 or #14 and those are tied to 4x! The trout still attack them. Also, a heavier tippet let's you bring in a trout quicker than a light tippet and that's important during very warm weather.
There are many tippet size/fly size charts out there and they are a good guide for almost every condition.
I'll be hitting the Swift all day Wednesday. Hopefully it wont be too crowded "right" and some fish cooperate :) Can't wait to try a few new patterns I spun up and try the hot spot pattern. Whats the word if any on the Swift...?
The Swift is still high but fishable. I've heard that the area above rt9 is producing. I'd fish deep if you are going below rt9.
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