I figured that everyone would be fished out after the Labor Day weekend and that's why I found myself on the East Branch of the Westfield early Tuesday evening. I drove past the Bliss Pool, exactly 4/10ths of a mile to a place that I call "Slant Rock". The EB has a lot of stretches that can qualify for that label. Lots of sedimentary rock that have been turned on edge by the forces that made the place we call Chesterfield Gorge. This pool has more of that then the others so hence the name. It's beautiful spot, a pinched down flow that is smooth and glassy and perfect for a dry fly float. I took three 'bows, a leaper from the tail and two from the mid section, all on a cream colored parachute.
Without taking the waders off or breaking down my rod I drove up to the Bliss Pool. I looked strange to the couple that were walking down the road with my arm out the window holding my fly rod.
The Bliss Pool failed me. No surface action and no rises to my well placed dry. So I repeated my driving technique and drove up the road to a turn-off on the right (it's the first turn-off on the LEFT when you're heading downstream). I'll call it the "Swimming Hole' only because it's a favorite spot for non fishers. It's another classic dry fly pool, rapids at the top end that smooth and fan out to a great tail section. Two more 'bows fell to the parachute before dark settled it. Both of these fish took to the air at hook set and had lots of fight, testing the new tiny click and pawl reel that was on it's maiden voyage. It was a good night.
BTW, at the Bliss Pool I noticed a large stimulator type fly hanging from an overhanging branch. Thank you whoever you are. I'll put it to use!
Killing me with the report and pictures...The East Branch is heaven...Love the visual of driving with your fly rod in hand hanging out the window and being seen by the public doing so. Thats quality lol.
I've seen swimmers at a spot that looks good before that left side turnoff that you mentioned. Have you fished there?
If it was orange it was mine...I caught two beautiful browns on the next pool downstream from the Bliss across to the far rocks, both on size 14 orange stimulators,I got a nice rainbow at the head of the Bliss pool on a size 12 cream parachute, and a big rainbow on the riffle at the tail end of the pool- he first took a nasty swipe at my orange "thingamabobber" strike indicator- so I tied on a huge gaudy fake egg- and he took it immediately- it felt like cheating- but at least I finally got to do some dry fly fishing this season...
The stimulator that I found has a peacock body. About a size 8 too! Maybe we should be using orange wulffs as indicators.
Yes, I've fished that spot but have walked downstream to get to it. The bank from the road is too steep.
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