The rains finally came. Not in a series of wet days but in a 4 inch deluge which brought the lower Millers up to the 600cfs level and the Westfield EB roaring at 1800cfs. When it rains it pours!!!!!
The Millers needs this deluge. The rising browns that we caught last April need some depth of water to make it through the winter again. This recharging will do that, I hope. Those fish are still there and they survived this horrid Summer but they need water for the Winter. Hopefully they will have it.
The Swift - The flow was reduced from 112cfs to the mid 40cfs range just prior to the storm. This morning the Bondsville section was low, clear and wonderful. And I got skunked!! Trout were rising but in a very odd fashion. Two and three quick rises and then nothing for as long as 20 minutes. I couldn't get them to cooperate whether it was to a small olive emerger or to my trusty soft hackle flies. That's ok!! The Autumn sun was warm, the flow was perfect and two and a half hours just drifted by. Not a bad day for me.
The attached photo shows the location of those rising trout. You may recognize the spot or if you are new to the lower Swift you can easily find it easily.
Time to think of seasons past. Just one year in this case. Check out my post for October 23 of last year. It tells a tale of a warm cloudy day on the EB when dark colored 'bows took in my dry fly offerings in a way that leaves memories for fly fishers who look for memories. It was a perfect day but it was after two perfect Summers with good flows. We didn't see those conditions this year. It is something to feel sad about. Hopefully next year things will return to normal - everywhere!!
Last night I had a vivid dream of catching stripers with Jim off the mouth of the Merrimack. Some dream of other things but.....
Fall on the Millers and the Swift - I'm looking forward to it!!
I guess you were right. You didn't need photos!
Planned to fish the Andro/Wild River this weekend but pulled the plug given the incredible flows. Did manage to get in a banner day up on the CT last week. Thinking about heading your way once the water stabilizes; perhaps mid week. Keeping an eye on your posts for intel!
Its Chris Takacs. How are you? been studying your "guide to the millers" religiously, and will hit it once the water subsides...I have a doft spot for the Swift, however I want to explore the lower end and stay away fromt he petting zoo...Not looking for any exact locations but where abouts is the bondville section? How long is it? And is it comprimised of pocket water as well? Thanks Ken!
A good starting point for fishing the Bondsville section would be to park at the end of 1St Street in Bondsville which is just off rt 181. Any online map will show you the location.
Another spot is by the dam on Depot St. which is upstream from the 1st Street location. There's a few miles of river to fish.
For Bondsville, there are 3 industrial parks ending in cul-de-sacs at 1st, 2nd, and 3rd street (working south). All of them are a bit different. "1st Street" which Ken mentions above features a nice pool and some fun higher gradient pocket water. "2nd Street" has a few nice riffles and a pool with some large boulders upstream (where I always manage to hook into a real nice "football". At "3rd Street" be sure to park on the road - if you park in lot at the end you might get locked in. This is where Jabish Brook comes in and it is slower water with some deep pools and a couple of runs - have seen lots of trout down there as well, and I even managed a smallmouth once where the brook comes in. All of these areas have great access and are worth exploring!
Good work with the additional info!!
thanks for the report. Ive gone fishing once since late June. The water looks like. Never got to explore that territory. Wish I was out there fishing!
Shucks!! This used to be my secret spot. After the "White Bucket Brigade" grew tired and retreated late June, I hardly ever saw any other peeps. Now the cat is out of the bag. I never went to kindergarden - so I'm not that good at sharing.. ;-)
I was fortunate enough to pickup a Trifecta of trout on the Swift this past Saturday as well as one chub and of all things - a fresh water clam (you know your fishin' the zone when clams grab your scud !)
Do you guys see many browns in the lower sections ? I caught my first ever here 12"(in 2 years on this section). He slammed the same "clam" scud pattern as if he hated it. Very pretty fish, dark top and vivid spots and compared to the "cutlip 'bows" he looked completely unmolested. Of course he was tucked in classic brown trout water, where most people wouldn't think twice to cast into.
Quick question Ken - does the Tulley river see many browns this time of year ? I would assume some of the amorous minded Millers fish might be attracted to it.
Let me tell you a story about the Tully River. The Tully is about a mile long before it splits into the East and West Branch. I've caught native RISING brookies on the West Branch and once held a photo of a brookie that went 2lbs when it was caught back in the late 1940's. The DFW claims that native browns exist in this branch although I've never caught one. This tale is about the East Branch. Back in the early 1990's my future son-in-law, an expert bait fisherman who used to collect the slugs off of my marigold plants for trout bait (the BEST trout bait he claimed)came roaring into the driveway one early October morning with a HUGE, hook jawed male brown that went a full 22 inches. This large, dark brown specimen was caught on a worm. It was caught just upstream from a side road off of RT32 before the Athol/Royalston line. It ended up in a frying pan I would guess.
I hope that answers your question!!
Sorry but I still don't see anything but a few (I'm being generous here)flyfishermen here. It's even money that my next trip to the lower Swift (I think that it's the area that you are talking about) will find me ALONE. A few other flyfishers would be nice!!
I have a question regarding fall stocking in the Millers.....with the recent rains and the river back to "normal" level, have they, or is there a plan, to stock the river? The MA Fish & Wildlife website lists the river as being targeted for stocking, but I was looking for a definitive yes or no.
Thanks in advance.
The man at Flagg's fly shop told me they stocked the Miller's last week.
Can't wait to get back to MASS. However, I am currently too busy catching HOG browns, swinging glo bugs and buggers on the Salmon River!
Millers stocking info: It was stocked last week. The Orcutt Brook area was stocked. So was the Orange WWTP (why?? beats me) area.
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