I live close to The Swift and the Millers which allows me to take some nice after work trips to spend an hour or two working these rivers. I do it a lot! I live VERY CLOSE to the EB so when a short window of opportunity comes around I take it and drive the 10 minutes to the Gorge. Tonight was one of those nights and the 75 minutes were well spent. First, I tried out this creation which had it's first test on the Millers two weeks ago. The fly was too large and resulted in short takes. Tonight's revision, in a wet fly style, took 7 in that short period. I'll post the instructions when I come up with a name. All I can say is that this fly is proof that trout are at times not too finicky.
The EB has dropped from 1100cfs to the high 400's since Sunday. It is perfect. It will also be perfect for the Memorial Day non-fishing hordes that will fill the first 1/4 mile below the Gorge this weekend at mid day. Get there early or just go downstream for solitude.
A neat thing happened tonight. For the second time in the last 5 years a March Brown landed on my left hand in the same spot as one of the same species had before. I've used the first photo of that Millers MB in my slide show of that river and now I can add this critter to the Westfield show. I took some photos and just watched it for a while before it flew away and it made me realize again why we pursue this sport. That fly was beautiful! The late writer, Robert Traver, once said that trout can only exist in beautiful places. He was right. This activity has always been a quite endeavor, vastly more contemplative than competitive, always a more measured response instead of pom-pom waving enthusiasm. Let's hope it stays that way.
See you on the Millers this weekend!!
Ken....when is the Westfield show and at what venue?
Westfield show???
Hi Ken,
You said in your entry: "I've used the first photo of that Millers MB in my slide show of that river and now I can add this critter to the Westfield show.".
I was wondering when it was and where.
Curious if anyone has an update on the Swift? Has it been stocked? How has it been fishing?
Nice pictures Ken!
Sam - the Swift has been stocked, but it has also been running very high (200-300 cfs) for over a month straight - I prefer to fish it around 90-120, and 300 where it is now seems like it would be dangerous. This should spread the fish out pretty good, as it did last year - plenty of fish all the way down into Bondsville. Plan to get out there a few days after they drop the flow back down to 100, plus-or-minus (whenever that is).
My Westfield Show is a slide presentation that I do for various clubs/fly shops around the State. It's mostly a winter thing when we are all going crazy and need a "fix".
What about Indian Hollow on the EB? I was thinking of taking a trip there tomorrow. Do you think they'll be a lot of people? I went 2 weeks ago for the first time and was the only person there?
Any tips on where some good pools or runs are in there?
Tu'S indian hollow event was not held there LAST WEEK but on the Quinnie in Holden. The EB is loaded with fish and will be loaded with swimmers for the first quarter mile by noon time. Get there early and fish below the Gorge where the picnic people don't go. You will have fun!!
Hit the EB yesterday and got there around 1230. Not too many people at the entrance, parked at the Bliss state forest sign and hit the pool, no one there for the first 10 minutes then people started showing up, some more fly fisherman (one rude one who creeped in right next to me, 7 miles of C&R and this guy has to be on my doorstep) a couple spin fisherman who moved through quickly and seemed to be doing pretty good. I thought the place was going to get packed but by 230-300pm only a few fly fishermen were left and by 830pm there was no one. It was an incredible double digit day and the fish were big and the fight was comparable to wild western montana fish. I had both bows and browns ripping line off my real and tail dancing consistently; I lost one monster who took line out like a steelhead and broke it all in a matter of seconds. Of all the rivers I've fished in New England this is one of the best; I think its even better than the upper CT in Pittsburg . Cant wait to go back
You had the "perfect day"!!!! If we have normal rainfall and temperatures this Summer the fishing will last into the Fall.
I fished most of the day yesterday on the EB. Had a great day with 8 or 9 fish landed and a lot more action. All fiesty Bows with notably strong fights. The best part, for Sunday of Mem Day weekend, only briefly saw one other (spin) angler and a few hikers. Basically had the entire river to myself.
Do you expect the lower part of C&R section (knightville) to stay good during summer? First time fishing down there and it was great.
Saturday couldn't have been a better day on the EB. Picked up 10 trout, brookies and rainbows, and they were all FAT! Since I usually don't see such chubby trout being stocked out of the hatchery, I assume the food is good in the Westfield this year... Or, despite the heat and low water of last summer, it it possible that there were some holdovers after all?
By "Knightville" are you talking about the river below the dam?? From the dam upstream to the Gorge fishing conditions are dependent on the flow. If we have average flows or higher during the Summer fishing should be good like it was in '08 and '09. I might say that the same is true for below the dam.
The trout are chubby because that is how they were raised in the hatchery. They have only been in the river for two or so weeks so the fat condition is due to the hatchery. Now they will have to hunt for their food.
I don't think that there was any real holdover situation in the EB after last Summer although I think that the Gorge, the Hemlock Pool and the lower Gorge MAY have provided some relief.
upstream from the dam off of Old Worthington Rd. There were some really deep pools up there. Beautiful spot and a lot of fat fish.
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