Fly Fishing Information On The Millers, Swift, Middle, West and East Branches Of the Westfield River and the Ware, and Mill rivers. YOUR BEST SOURCE FOR MA. FLY FISHING INFORMATION, the top ranked fly fishing blog in Massachusetts! WHAT FLY FISHERS READ!!
Autumn On The EB

Saturday, December 1, 2012
December 1, 2013 And The Millers
Snow greeted us today. It IS the first of December BUT the Millers is low and very fishable. This has not always been the case. Usually the Millers at this time of year is high and rolling along. This has been the case for over 20 years but 2012 is one of the exceptions. The flow is around 250cfs and one should make their way out there. Tomorrow (Sunday) will have temps around 50 degrees. You will not freeze to death if dressed right and the trout will not be too slowed down by frigid waters to get interested in your offering. I'll be there around mid day, fishing the afternoon and then catching the Patriots killing the dolphins in the second half.
This is bonus time on this river. Soon it will be the Swift and the Farmington for the Winter.
The Winter....I hate this time of year. Thank God for the two last rivers that I mentioned. Maybe we can add the Millers for a while.
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Ken what are your thoughts on the River (Wendell area) through December and into the winter if the flows sustain and the banks don't freeze up right away?
I hit the Millers in Athol at the Crescent St. extension area this morning around 11:15. There were some fish rising....looked to be a small blue winged olive. I caught 4 healthy rainbows on stone fly nymphs (they wouldn't hit my bwo offering).
The flow was nearly perfect and I'm really beginning to enjoy that stretch of river as I learn it more.
Looks like we may be able to fish the Millers for a little longer before winter sets in.
Any word on salmon in the west branch of the Swift? I stopped a week ago and saw no sign of fish.
Tom from Orange
If the flows are low and the river isn't freezing up then go for it. We caught fish today!
It's been a few years since I fished that stretch. Nice riffles and very fishable.
The WB of the Swift - I haven't fished it this year and saw no cars parked there recently. I would guess that the salmon are (were) there.
Got out a little late on Saturday after having to take care of some stuff, but it was worth the wait. I pretty much had above Rt. 9 to myself as I saw only one other fly fisher from about 12-4pm. I haven't taken that walk in about 3-years and I was surprised to see how much the river had changed in that time...Either that or my memory is really failing me. Had luck below the y-pool, and great luck in the bubbler arm. Even got about 10-minutes of video of three deer feeding on both banks and walking across the river. These creatures got about 10 feet from me and didn't even spook when I decided to "talk" to them. It was pretty surreal.
Spent Sunday below Rt.9 and had a few decent hours.
Just checked the wb of the Swift gage and it's creeping up after last night's rain. Might try to get out of work a little early today or tomorrow to check it out. Haven't been yet this year, as the conditions haven't seemed right, but this increased flow should bring 'em up if they haven't already made their trip.
The 50F weather brought out everyone and his uncle. I was told the Pipe area looked like the Unemployment Line on Pulaski's Salmon River. And it was still crowded when I arrived. After taking a few fish I moved upstream to less crowded water.
I landed a spectacular heavy tiger trout, probably 18 to 20 inches long with a thick girth. I thought at first it was a brown and then, spotting a white-striped fin, perhaps a brookie - nope but a combination of the two with the give-away striped mottled tiger marks on its back and sides. Just a beautiful specimen. I'll treasure that moment for quite a while.
Tight lines. Bob O
While I don't know enough about the reasoning behind the hybridization, i.e.: is the fish better suited to the increasing water temps and deteriorating water conditions in the surrounding areas, etc., I can't comment on rationale of the science/program. So I don't know if it's a good thing or a waste of money, but, with that said, I've always wanted to catch one of those tigers. From the pics that I've seen, and stories that I've heard, it sounds like a great looking and fighting fish.
Re: the crowded conditions, let me say that I'm very happy that my brother in-law and I were the first to the pipe section on Sunday and had it to ourselves for about an hour and a half before the circus arrived. I'm just as happy for the few hours we had after that, to ourselves, on just as productive water above and below that section.
Tiger trout are a lame curiosity that the DFW have dumped on us. They are easily caught and will not reproduce. The DFW should be spending their time and limited resources in producing viable populations of trout for our rivers instead of circus fish!!!
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