Autumn On The EB

Autumn On The EB

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Thanksgiving Weekend - On the Swift

The snow didn't kill things off like I had thought it would. Plenty of active trout with some rising to something that liked the 43 degree air. The brookies were still at it but the rainbows stepped it up a notch as they seemed to be aggressively fighting for prime spawning spots. I introduced someone to the Swift who had never caught a trout before. He was a quick study who landed 3 with the last bow being an 18 inch brute. We were working water on the bubble run just above the Y Pool on the right side looking downstream. The water wasn't 4 inches deep and we saw that fly disappear in that yawning take. Priceless.

Fish the swift and squeeze the last few hours out of that 2014 license.


1 comment:


Ken, those days & memories like you just described are what we all can be thankful for.
Thanks for the update.........Phil