Autumn On The EB

Autumn On The EB

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Short Update And Some Fall Advice

Last week I boldly predicted that the Swift would not rise again this Fall because the drought was over. Well, we haven't had any rain since that statement, there is no rain predicted this week and the next chance of rain is over seven days away. The Connecticut flow is dropping and will be worth watching. Check the Swift gauge before you venture out.

Of concern will be the Fall stocking. The DFW states that water temperature is the determining factor in stocking or not stocking. As long as we don't get into the 80's and days are seasonable (70's) and nights are cool (40's) we should be ok.

Remember one thing - These fish are going to be easy to catch for the first week or so. We will all look like experts but the truth is they will whack anything. Last year one guy I know took over 50 in two days on a dreaded WB. When I filmed the CHRONICLE MAGAZINE
segment for the EB two Octobers ago I could not keep the trout from smashing a #14 Partridge & Orange. Then they wise up or we get a high water event and they get spread out. That's when things get fun!!

Conventional wisdom says big fish seek big things to eat especially in the Fall. The truth is they will eat big things at any time but the determining factor in what they eat is the quantity of the prey. The Swift rainbows could be feasting on the brook trout fry (they probably are) but hundreds spend the day sipping off the surface. A trout needs to consume 1% of it's body weight per day just to MAINTAIN it's weight so the quantity of tiny insects in the film/drift must be amazing. They will surface feed and ignore bigger morsels around and below them. We took big fish on surface #28 and #30 flies in between falling leaves this weekend.



Falsecast said...


I agree with your comments on the new stockers and this spring on the Swift I tried something new. I cut the hook off my dreaded bugger. The result was surprisingly satisfying. I probably hooked 40 fish, got a nice take and a good run and then they'd spit it. It's a good way to get some action, educate up the new fish and not hook scar them all up.

I too am curious if the Bows are eating all the Brook Trout fry and 2 days ago I tried a Rangeley style streamer in a brook trout pattern in the bubbler arm. Not takes. It's not exactly scientific, but that run is loaded with Brookies and fewer Bows than usual. You'd think they'd be smashing them in there ??

Millers River Flyfisher said...


Many reports this Summer of people hooking tiny Swift book trout and having bows grab them during the retrieve. Yes, the bows will eat brookies but what they really want are tiny flies as they always have.


John said...


Many thanks for another informative post. Quick question about the EB. Have been flirting with the 2.5-hour trip out that way one of these coming weeks, but have been eyeing the trickles in Metro West Boston rivers and brooks and was wondering what impact the low water was having on the EB? Stocking not as important as stalking wild/holdover fish, and just curious if you have been out there lately and could comment on the water levels?

Thanks again for all you do.

- john

Pat said...


Why do you say the "dreaded WB"? I understand you prefer to fish dries and small flies but some of us less seasoned fly fisherman may elect to use a WB if that is what catches fish. If using a WB allows someone to catch a fish and inherently have a better time on the water I don't think it should be frowned upon. If everyone started out fly fishing strictly with dries then participation in fly fishing would probably decrease. I appreciate all of the tips and tricks on your blog and it has given me the confidence to put down the WB but I think you should realize that not everyone has the years of experience that you and some other do.


Herm said...


it was nice yesterday finally meeting you in person.

Good fishing,


Bob O said...

Flow is back up as predicted. Pipe thru tree pool full of fishers and fish of all magntudes, from tiny brookies to the chunk bows, taken by the dry fly fishers and those drifting mosels below. It is a buebird day.

Millers River Flyfisher said...

John Robinson,

Check my stream flow links on my blog and look for the Knightville link. 70cfs is not too low to fish the EB although higher flows would be better.


I started fly fishing BEFORE the invention of the WB and caught a lot of fish back then with subsurface and surface flies. I've caught a lot on the WB BUT I don't like non-descript attractor patterns or streamers in general. I like to fish insect
impersonations. I know the drill - it looks like a minnow,a crayfish,a hellgramite and so on but it's only something I use early in the season for deep water when insect activity is slow. Use them when you want but when the water gets skinny and the trout are wise you will have to use something else. Note: read "Falsecast's comment at the top.


Good to finally meet you. Great looking bamboo rod that you have!! I'll see you again.

Millers River Flyfisher said...

Bob O,

I did well with hook ups last night but I'd like to see that 46 flow again. Easier wading down in the Jungle. Glad you did well!!
