The cast was made into skinny water up tight against the bank. The size 18CDC Soft Hackle gently touched the surface and had floated about three feet when the brown began to chase it DOWNSTREAM. The take was strong and the fight lasted longer than I thought it would even for a 16+ inch brown. The fish was netted, smiled for the camera and then swam away.
That should of been the highlight of the evening except it had competition from "THE brown". An estimated 4 to 5 lbs, it moved into a favorite holding spot (I've seen it before) but then swam upstream before we got a cast onto him. The rest of the evening was spent working dries to the brook trout that were all in the 6 to 10 inch range. They looked like jewelry in the net and we were deep into the double digits for that species when we called it a day. Another Cady Lane experience! Contact me for a trip if you want to get to know the place.
The Drought - Tuesday nights rain barely made a click on the the flow gauges for central/western Massachusetts. It seemed that the flows averaged an increase of 3 cfs for the region but a further examination was in order. A quick look at the USGA Vermont map revealed that the State got hammered by storms and that some of the rivers increased their flow over five fold. The storms crossed over into western New Hampshire and had the same effect until petering out in central New Hampshire. Why am I concerned about what's happening in northern New England? Simple, the rivers that peaked out after the storms are tributaries of the Connecticut River and that increased flow has to go downstream. Large rain events up north have risen the CT. River flow in the past enough to turn down the spigot at Quabbin and lower the Swift River flow. We could be bone dry here but as far as the Connecticut River is concerned the drought is over. Let's keep an eye on it.
Tomorrow, July 1st, marks the seasonal regulations change in the Swift. It's C&R from RT 9 through Cady Lane and it is a traditional stocking time. A trusted source has told me that he saw the 7/1/16 date published! Whether it's 7/1 or sometime early next week is anyone's guess. Many anticipate this date with the same fervor as some anticipate NFL Draft choices! In any event the place will have trout (hopefully) and the fly fishers will return to the same popular spots.
I'll be in the OTHER spots!