Autumn On The EB

Autumn On The EB

Thursday, September 28, 2017

State Of The Rivers And Another Soft Hackle

"I think I fish, in part, because it's an anti-social, bohemian business that, when gone about properly, puts you forever outside the mainstream culture without actually landing you in an institution" - John Gierach


It is September 28 and The Millers is running at 77 cfs (below normal), the EB is at 32 cfs (far below normal) the Swift is at 133 cfs (above a normal flow of 88 cfs) and the Ware is at 29 cfs which is normal.
What does this mean? It means that we are exactly where we were last year at this time. The Millers was stocked last year on 10/7 with a flow of 90 cfs. We are close enough!! The Swift was stocked on 10/3 (it should be stocked NOW!!!) and the Ware got its fish on 10/11 and the flow then is what it is now. The EB got stocked in mid October last year when it finally got some water.

If you're interested the DFW stocked the usual Cape ponds for the catch & freezer burn crowd but the Swift has to wait. Go figure!!!

All we need is a day of rain and it will fix everything. My usual group of "spies" will be texting updates on stocking AS THEY OCCUR and you will know about it ASAP. You'll also get the rundown on fishing location by location, a service that is always lacking on the net. If you like crowds or solitude just stay tuned!

BTW, read the comments over the last two posts about the BIG browns in the Swift. The DFW surveyed the river this past Summer and they used the word "enormous" when describing them. Also realize that this is not a "program" that produces big browns like in Connecticut. This is just HAPPENING on it's own just like the brook trout explosion of the past decade. Do we have something special here?? I think so!

The soft hackle fly pictured above is the Grouse and Flash. (I tie it with partridge which may be considered a grouse in some quarters. It makes no difference). Nick Yardley, the inventor, claimed that it is a good caddis emerger imitation. Actually it imitates any aquatic insect that is getting ready to hatch.

Hook - wet or dry in sizes 12 through 16

Thread - olive 6/0

Body - thin mylar strip wrapped around the hook

Thorax - optional (use something buggy if you tie in a thorax)

Hackle - partridge or starling

Wrap the olive thread around the hook shank and then the mylar. The olive color will show through.

Playing with my new smoker. Smoked chops, zucchini and potatoes. Almost as much fun as fly fishing!!


Anonymous said...

If sometime you have to take a fish due to bleeding, etc., you ought to try your hand at preparing them on your smoker. Delicious treat.

Millers River Flyfisher said...

Anonymous at 7:24 AM

I have - store bought salmon and fresh caught bluefish which I love. Can't remember the last time I had a bleeding trout and since I fish a lot of C&R I can't keep it anyway.


Chico said...

Fished the Swift yesterday afternoon. Lost 4 good fish, landed 3 nice brook about 9" each. Two of the 3 were caught by being foul hooked on my dry fly....strange day. First time I caught fish around the gauge. Cady was dead quiet.

Anonymous said...

Nice Soft Hackle. Never thought of using olive underbody. Must be killer for Olives.

Millers River Flyfisher said...

Anonymous 3:43 pm

Yup, olive underbody works!!!!


Catching fish around the gauge means the fish are starting to move. Took 6 good size brookies on STREAMERS and worked/enticed/almost caught a good bow hanging out around spawning gravel. The run has BEGUN!!!


Joe C said...

Fished the Y pool Wednesday and was alone for hours. Never more than two people later on. Picked up six bows using both a scud and a partridge and orange in a size 18. Then went down to the pipe and got two more bows and some bookies on the same flies between the pipe and tree pool. Nice when it's not crowded.

Anonymous said...

Ken-That's a good looking fly, and thanks for the suggestion. I'll be sure to tie some during the football games this weekend and will let you know how they work when I hit the swift over Columbus Day weekend!

Millers River Flyfisher said...

Joe C.,

I love comments like yours!. People are not fishing the Swift because the fishing is TOO HARD and then you go down and get it done! So have my guys!!!!


Fish now if you can.


Chico said...


Streamers are a pattern that I have not fished for several time out I will have to fish the streamer box out of my overflow bag and tie on a baby brook trout or a mickey finn (my personal favorite). I also have a number of egg patterns I want to try from my youth, when I lived near and fished for steelhead at Walnut Creek in Fairview, PA. By the way, I saw a few good rainbows between Cady Lane and the Tree Pool, which is somewhere I usually walk past on my way elsewhere. The Ware is now stocked, and I may try a cast or two there during the Patriots game (thank you Mr. DVR!).
