Autumn On The EB

Autumn On The EB

Thursday, November 23, 2017

A Commentators Fly And December Trips

One can buy an $800 Gucci-like fly rod hoping that they will become a great caster.  Someone else will buy a $200 no nonsense rod and cast the doors off of the other guy and catch more fish too. It's the problem with the fly fishing industry; tons of hyperbole, mountains of overblown claims, a zillion new products and techniques that amount to nothing more than solutions in search of problems.        Remember, it's not the arrow. It's the archer!!!!!!   - Me

Frequent commentator Bob Twombly, AKA BT, knows what he's doing and has shared his knowledge about our sport on this blog for years. He tossed a fly to me a few days ago that he calls the "Little Gray Fly. It has taken trout all over this country and everyone who tries one wants more. A true go to fly.

Now, I've lost the recipe but it's fairly simple to tie and it has that retro look which I like.

Hook - sizes 12 - 18 wet or dry or nymph

Thread - Red, 6/0 should do

Tail - a few gray hen hackle fibers

Body - Red thread over the shank with gray muskrat lightly dubbed over the body so the thread shows through

Hackle - Gray hen hackle (this fly works well with brown hen hackle and Bob ties in a rib although he says it's not necessary)

Bob, If I missed anything just let me know.

I can daydream about drifting this fly on the Ware in early May!!!!!

December Trips

We are still fishing all over on the Swift and doing very well. It's been double digit days for my clients with some really outsized rainbows coming to the net. And the weather forecast through next week is DRY and COOL but not COLD. Let's squeeze out the last few hours of that 2017 license and catch some trout. Just contact me!!!!

Happy Thanksgiving


Sam said...

I love that fly, and have tied up a few myself since reading Bob's post about it. I bet Fran Betters would have liked it too being he like tying flies with red thread.

Anonymous said...


Good fly and thank Bob for sharing it

Phil H.

Millers River Flyfisher said...

Thought that you would like that fly! It has that retro look and the natural dubbing is fun to work with.

Phil H.

Thank you!!!


BobT said...

Thank you for sharing this Ken...I do think it is a fly worth just fishes really well! Try it with a brown hackle and tail- I like that one in darker water and the grey version in clear water but its a good pattern for either regardless. I am currently awaiting a shipment of a couple Whiting brown hen capes otherwise I would have shown that one too.
The "official" recipe is what Ken said with or without a rib.

Unknown said...

Nice quote Ken!

Millers River Flyfisher said...


Thank you
