to all readers here there is a lot of great information randomly dispersed throughout Kens blog...well worth the time to go through it-you will be a better angler. Thank Ken for his great blog. Frequent commentator Bob T regarding the fallacy of using ultra fine tippet July 9, 2015 at 9:18 PM
We need some warm weather, period. Many places have been stocked but the trout are lethargic with this water temperature. A tick upward in temperature is all that it will take and those "fishless" streams will come alive.
A Hint On The Millers
The annual canoe race is set for Saturday 4/14 and if things go as they usually do they will be holding water back in Royalston for a huge early Saturday morning release. That means that Thursday and Friday will have some very fishable levels on this river.
Other Species
It wasn't always trout for me and it always wasn't fly fishing either. Since I was 5 years old I've used EVERY method to catch ANY kind of fish. It all settled down to the long rod and trout but before that there were smallmouth bass and Shad.
I actually got pretty good catching some oversized smallies on the Millers and in Wachusett Reservoir. I intend to go back to some of these haunts this season to get reacquainted with this critter.
Shad - I loved fishing for this fish as much I I liked fishing for stripers and even more so because it reminded me of Atlantic Salmon fishing. That season will be here very soon. Now, this doesn't mean trout are taking a back. I'm just going to relive some old memories!!!!!