Good Days (The Wall Of Fame)

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

A May Morning On The Millers And More!

Sometimes you have to play the cards that you are dealt. Make it work! Me

Sometimes plans go awry. Things don't work out for one reason or another. What to do? Answer = Go fly fish!!
I faced the Millers with its high flow (where is the water coming from?) I know but I throw the question out there anyway. The flow was roaring along at 700 cfs which has been the LOW point for three weeks. What to do? TAKE OUT A 6 WT full sinking line and do what we did years ago = attack the flow!!

I attached the 6wt to 4 feet of 4X tippet and attached to the business end a weighted size 12 reduced bugger (a great fly). Now, conventional wisdom would have said DREDGE the bottom with a politically correct nymphing technique, but I decided that this being a freestone river with a temperature of 58 degrees or so that the trout would be ACTIVE and not need a boring nymphing style to be fooled.

Technique - I cast across the flow. The 3-5 inch per second sink rate line sunk like a rock. I then did a gentle 2 inch strip as it swung across the current.

The result = 8 browns in an hour and a half. Two missed! They were in a perfect feeding mode with that water temperature and they chased that reduced bugger, turned into the current and stripped some line from the reel. Two beat 16 inches and the rest were above 12. They will be there this summer when we really want them.

BTW - When leaving west on Rt 2 a stocking truck pulled out of Arch Street heading West (Erving Center was stocked this morning) and then took a LEFT off of RT 2 onto Bridge Street in Farley (an illegal turn) to most likely stock BRIDGE STREET in Farley. There you go!!!!



  1. the miller doesnt appear that it was stocked yesterday at least on mass wildlife site.

  2. bigmster127,

    You're right! I forgot about Keyup Brook, Mormon Hollow Brook, Moss Brook, Orcutt Brook and so on. They got stocked. Some have native trout but they stock over them anyway.


  3. TU/Ma. put 800 browns in the Bears Den and 800 more in Orcutt to Power Sta. on Friday. Still releasing water from Tully dam. East Tully behind the house is still running high. Better than a drought.

  4. It’s not bad at high water isn’t it!


  5. Any idea when the "TU" weekend is at the EB? Based on the state's webpage the gorge area's only been stocked once. We know how badly it got treated last year and even the year before that. I don't get why they wait until the TU weekend to put any fish in? The flow is getting to 300 now which is the tops of prime time flow, should be getting good real soon.

    Bondsville could use some more fish, someone really cleaned the place out. Should be C&R on all moving water.

  6. Bill/tully,

    Sorry but old news. It's the Kempfield and not the power station.


    Check the TU Council website. It will be stocked the week before the 3rd weekend in May.

    Josh S.

    The EB Gorge should be stocked earlier before the camping event. But there are trout there now.

    High water, 700cfs yesterday worked for me but only if you know where to go. It's dropping fast. I have to plan a day with you on the Deerfield!


  7. C&R on all moving water. Here Here. I fooled 2 bows this morning on the WB, 1 of those was in a pool where I fooled 8 Monday, but this was the only fish left. The water was clear and low there was nothing else there (I worked it hard). Once while turning in a poacher to a warden his comment was every river should be catch and release. Some of us agree officer.

  8. how close to the bank were your hookups Ken? high flows if I stay within 3 ft of a bank I am in the right place most of the time.

  9. A couple of stocked browns were netted on the Swift tonight. Not big, but pretty as could be with many red spots on them. No rainbows were in the action tonight, who may have high tailed it after the browns got stocked. Notably, no brook trout were evident either. Ken, I am starting to wonder where those brookies are.

    Best, Sam

  10. Gary,

    I fly fisher that I know met a guy last Friday that took 8 at wildcat springs.


    Thanks for the report. I believe that the Swift got some fish yesterday.


    I caught them all over the place especially where I knew that there were large submerged rocks.


  11. Ken, I hit the Millers yesterday for the first time this year. I used a similar setup to yours. There was essentially no one on the water. The flow was around 550-600. At that flow, the wading at Orcutt brook was doable. Two nice browns on swung olive buggers - one just down from the brook and one downstream about as far as one can wade. I was surprised there weren't more fish as the flows looked beautiful. I also made it out to the slightly submerged island under Wendell bridge but didn't have any luck. The area under Rte 2 bridge was just ripping a bit too fast to safely make it to the nice runs on the far side and down below. Finally, the flow through the upper section leading into Kempfield pool was pretty manageable. Had a number of bumps, but no hook-ups. It looks so fishy in there right now! There was no one in sight. I'm assuming that's where you were on Tuesday. I would have liked to have stayed into the evening, but couldn't, so probably missed a great end of the day. In all the spots I fished, I only saw one trout break the surface the entire time.

  12. Gary,

    I fly fisher that I know met a guy last Friday that took 8 at wildcat springs.


    Thanks for the report. I believe that the Swift got some fish yesterday.


    I caught them all over the place especially where I knew that there were large submerged rocks.


  13. Spent the last 2 mornings on the Scenic MB, fooled 12 fish, 3 yesterday and 9 today with #10 leech,#14 pheasant tail,but the big winner was a #13 black spider, first fish today was a nice brookie. Water temp was 45-49 air temp 50's water was clear and flow very fishable especially for the spider. 1 spin guy yesterday nobody today, I only saw fish. Also changed leaders and threw some drys when I noticed surface action, but nothing, they where chasin bugs up and breakin thru. Again scenic, quiet, mountains turning green, nice. Oh I retired that black spider,but I will ty up some more.

  14. Gary,

    A very good report on the MB!! I think you found the fish! But what is a "#13" spider??

    We should hit the Swift for the brookies this summer.


  15. Hi there Ken - I had a great day at the Housatonic (MA) today. As usual I saw only one person all day while the Swift may have been packed. :) The Hendrickson action was great. I did nymph all day, but was getting a lot of attention on the swing. Saw a few duns, but I think it is a bit early for the full hatch. Nymphs on every rock I looked at. I got a nice little wild Brown too. It's really a great, and often over looked, river IMHO. Wading was a bit sketchy, but coming down nicely. These fish weren't shy in the fast current using 3X 4X tippet and lead. Have a good one!

  16. Your right I need to make my 1st trip to that great river. So black thread body no more than 2 turns thick, 1 turn black hen a little longer than the hook, 2 pieces of black flash little shorter than hackle tied on either side of hook which is a TMC102Y size 13. I like strip one side of the feather to make the spiders legs sparse. ( A partridge & orange only all black ) Swing it those legs are always moving, strip it back the feather flows back to form a little baitfish,bug,with the subtle flash a killer fly. Google it. Use what u have and ty it on a 14 wet (saber).

  17. Andrew,

    Thanks for the update on that Housatonic. I have to fish that again some day.


    Of course, a TMC!! ( I was on zero sleep when I responded). Gotta get some black hen!


  18. Falsecast were you in the lee section of the housatonic? I fished there a year or two ago and caught a Caddis hatch just right and cleaned house... many stocked Browns and wild Browns to hand...need to get down there soon

  19. Gary, I am intrigued by the black flash in your black spider pattern, but I can't quite picture it. (Probably my lack of experience!) Is it tied in like a tail, or tied up near the hackle? Thanks!

  20. yes, I was in Lee, but not right in town, bit downstream. Agree, get on over there! Unfortunately, it will warm up quickly, but right now the fish are pretty hot. I use a 2 fly rig with a bigger BH point fly and 16 inch trailer with a true Hendrickson nymph.

  21. Falsecast thanks! I’m planning on playing hookey Friday
