Autumn On The EB

Autumn On The EB

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Fish The Millers, Fish the EB, Fish the Ware, Fish Anywhere And Book Me!!!!

"Fly fishermen are born honest, but they get over it". Ed Zern

Well, this crazy Spring is finally settling down and good flows and good fishing has returned to cental/western Ma. The Millers was at 522 cfs early this morning and should fall below 500 by Memorial Day afternoon. There have been some good catches this past week with caddis emergers and buggers ruling the day. The Ware can't get any better with a 209 flow and lots of trout. Again it's the two previously mentioned flies that are causing the most hits.

It's Memorial Day Weekend which means that the EB will be invaded by swimmers, dog walkers, mountain bikers and maybe flyfishers. On holiday weekends I like AFTERNOONS best because all of the non-fishing activity has peaked for the day and is then on the decline. The EB flow is a good 395 and it got stocked late in the week. Do not forget evenings on this river!!

Can't forget the Swift. It's dropped to 483 this morning and that's 243 cfs in one week!! Once the spillway stops spilling it will drop like rock. Maybe someone will throw a "PIPE PARTY"!!!!

I Ihave some good openings in June left which includes "evening rise sessions which always seem to work. I'll have the caddis and the Comparaduns. You bring your enthusiasm!!!!



Hibernation said...

Wahooo! Approaching normal flows! Now if we just get the solid 1 X week rain or a couple T storms a week (mild ones) it should hold good flows deep into summer :)

With a lot of the forest in full green mode, trees and plants are sucking up rain fall fast, so the little streams and bigger streams filling quabbin will be much ore manageable and rarely "high" for long, I bet the swift is about "normal" within 2 weeks. Awesome!

Enjoy the fun if you are out folks!

Millers River Flyfisher said...


All the rivers, big and small are bit above normal which is very good. I want the Swift to drop fast to stop the surface (warmer water) from hitting the Swift.

Have a good, long weekend!!


Phil Ritucci said...

Just got home from the Millers, fished Rezendes Pool from 7am to around 11:30 or so. Beautiful area and the flow was perfect. Got 8 hefty Browns all on top, the fly of the day was a pale green cdc caddis! Think I found a new favorite spot, can’t wait to give it a go around sunset.
Have a great weekend!!!

mattk said...

Haven't had the dry fly day i was hoping for. Emerging flies only. But it's about to change i hope. Seriously got pushed off the Ware by about 4 beavers the other day. Anyone else have a beaver swim right toward you? It was clear they didn't want me there. Great stretch of river in Central MA too.

Millers River Flyfisher said...


Good to hear from you. Funny but I've just tied up some green cdc caddis!!


Beavers only bother me on the Millers. I've never seen one on the spots I fish on the Ware. You can have them!!


Oldyankee said...

Ken- fished the Swift yesterday above RT 9, water still a bit to high but managed two nice rainbows, one brown all on streamers. People travel half way around the world to site fish for trout and we have it in our backyard!

Oldyankee said...

Ken, in the Fishing New England show on the Ware River, what bridge are you fishing below?

Millers River Flyfisher said...


Church St.


Oldyankee said...

Thank you, Happy Memorial Day.