You don't have to be on the bottom this time of year, 1/2 to 3/4 the way down is normally plenty deep (and can even be too deep during a hatch, that's when wets flies/soft hackles typically beat out nymphs). Water temps are optimal, there a lots of bugs hatching & in the drift, and trout are feeding throughout the water column. - From the gang at UpCountry Fly Shop 6/12
A Swift Brown - 16 inches and chunky!
If you have been fishing the Swift River during the last two weeks you have been fishing the best water in Massachusetts. Now, some of that has to do with the drought which is whacking the freestones but the Swift is great because of its brookies and browns (and cold water).
Forget The B.S. About Crowds
In the last three trips I've seen 5 fly fishers, period. I spent 6 hours on the stream yesterday,
caught a pile of brookies and a good brown and saw only one other fly fisher (hello Kentucky smallmouth guy!). Nobody is fishing the Pipe because they are waiting for the July stocking. If you are feeling lonely there's always the Farmy. I've heard that's PACKED to where one Housy guide gave up on the place!
People still seem to like to fish at mid day. That makes it better for the die hards and those that are not afraid to fish the off hours. (check the comment about darkness on the Millers in the last post.) It appears that the Y Pool is still jammed and that's too bad. There's a lot of lonely water on that river. BTW, the brookies are larger than they appeared to be in the last two years. Lot's of 8 inch plus fish and on a 3wt or 4wt bamboo it is the essence of flyfishing.
The Millers
It's low but it is still producing. Now, don't stand in this river at 1pm, hold your stream thermometer in the first 2 inches of the water column and then declare that the river is a bass river. Fish very early in the morning and at dusk because it's a whole different river. The browns actively feed at 70 degrees and if you use a stout leader and nothing gossamer you can land and release quickly. Four times in the 36 years that I have fished the Millers I have hooked, shortly played and broken off browns only to have them get caught within two hours. Remember, the Millers is a BROWN TROUT river. Sampling has proven this through the years. Note: Take your stream thermometer and tie about 3ft of stout mono to it. You want to do that to get the temperature at the bottom of the river where the trout hang out.
The Ware
Shhh....Quiet, It's taking a nap!
The EB
As I write this river is at 70 cfs. The best summer morning that I ever had on this river was in early September after a long, hot summer with a flow of 65 cfs. I caught 18 all on dries!! Get out early or stay late. If you can't then grab the clubs and hit the links!!!
Let's Do Some Early Morning Fishing.
A 5am start is not too hard and 4:30 works too. They can be 3 or 6 hours.
Watching The Forecast
Never give up an opportunity to fish a cloudy day in the summer especially on a freestone full of browns like the Millers. Browns don't like bright light!!
Millers fished well last night. Several smallies and browns early in the evening on a cray fish (very underrated fly on the section of this river below Orange) and then the last 20' of light, after a beaver tried to run me off the river :) the trusty picket pin took over on the swing and dangle as the trout (rainbows and browns) started to slash for emerging bugs (both mayflies and caddis).
I had to leave at 8:45, which was a bummer, as fish were really slashing. If I'd had more time, and not a 45' drive, I'd have fished into dark as it likely would have been really good.
Thanks for the good Millers report. At this time of the season the river belongs to the ones who put in the effort and that doesn't mean not wanting to miss dinner. I should of known the picket pin would find it's way into the conversation!!
It's amazing how the Millers has held up in this drought and you are certainly right when you preached about the Evening Rise on this river. It's now my favorite time to fish.
Ditto the early start to beat the crowds on the Farmington too! Any news on the Deerfield?
Anonymous 6:30,
Very good reports from the Deerfield.
Fished the Farmy last night. Seeing as though its 25 minutes away its appealing over other places, especially with the low water. First place was loaded w people but I found a secluded area where only 2 other fisherman were visible. After breaking one off on light tippet, I finally landed a nice rainbow on two fly dry fly rig and the fish actually took the bigger fly I was using more as an indicator! I followed the river back home, hoping to fish into the night and it was just too crowded for me to deal with.
Well, it was good while it lasted! The Farmy will always have it's crowds.
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