The tail is made of partridge hackles and the body is from that partridge fluff that is so underrated. The key is the four turns of full size partridge hackle that's palmered onto the hook. The only "flash" is a bit of brown ice dubbing. It is fished with some wire weight by the head or none at all.
No Beads!!!
After I tie one I run it under some water and then squeeze the water out while pushing the hackle fibers back. Does it make a difference? Probably not but I like it and enough trout and bass do to!!!
Have a great Holiday, whatever it may be, and I'll see you in 2024. My ankle is almost back in form.
I think that you featured a fly that was similar years ago. I tied a few up and did well on the Millers.
Yes I did about 8-10 years ago. It was mostly marabou but this version has more subtle
because of barred look of the partridge.
Happy Holiday season Ken.
Thank you very much!! I hope 2024 is a good year for you.
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