It was Tuesday evening and it was HOT as most of you know. I figured that it would be a good idea to hit the East Branch to tempt some trout to rise or at least just cool off. That's when I was fortunate to glimpse the rare EB hatch that I had only heard about. It's a hatch that only occurs in the hottest weather. As I drove down the dirt road by the first turnoff there she was. Twenty something, good looking and totally sans clothing!
Her and her friend (in swimwear) didn't seem to mind my rubber neck response or the fact that the Gorge had a good number of people in it. Sorry, no photos!
Now for the fly fishing. The Bliss Pool was occupied so down the road I went to the Slant Rock Pool. I made one pass upstream through this gem of a stretch with my dry offering but I knew that the blazing sun would have to set a bit and put this pool in an evening shadow before I'd see any surface action. The sun left the water and at 6:30 I saw my first rise. A second rise came a few minutes later. That's when I and a #16 olive cdc dry began to ply the water.
Forty minutes later I took my fifth trout. Four 'bows and a nice brown came to the net and then quickly swam away upon release.
The water dropped below the 100cfs mark today. The flow is still adequate for the fish but we need some rain. A good, local thunderstorm will bring this river up. A good day and a half of light rain would be better.
Judging by the pictures and stream data it's looking pretty skinny out there. Hopefully theres some kind of precipitation like you said Ken. Just enough to get things moving a little bit. Last time I was out on the Westfield last week, you could have wet waded. Anyways, I cannot wait to hit the Deerfield, gorge section of the EB and points below this weekend!Safe weekend all and tight lines.
Your were admiring her woolly bugger, weren't you? A nice soft hackle maybe? Sorry- couldn't resist myself. I held off on the emerger comment at least.
I had a very similar hatch up on the Newfound on Tuesday night too... Seems the bikini hatch is in full bloom this week. LOL
There was a bump in the flow on the EB due to the t-storms of last night but more important is the lower temperatures. It will be in the mid to high 40's there tonight. Expect some crowds, mostly swimmers, this weekend.
It was a no-hackle with a trim, tan body!!
Good to hear Ken, the flows are a little better and yes some cooler weather at least in the evenings is to be expected. I already witnessed the tube hatch on the middle branch last week...Luckily there are plenty of rivers and spots to fish in the area.
LOL Ken...
There is so many many ways this can go....
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