Autumn On The EB

Autumn On The EB

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Think Spring And Flies

 I like an honest warranty that covers materials and workmanship only. The fly fishing industry sailed over the Falls when it offered  "no questions asked about the dumb ass way you mishandled the rod" kind of warranty. Maybe we would appreciate the craftsmanship more and take better care of rods if they were not so easily replaced!  Or maybe we should stop ultra refining rods to fit certain angling situations where the tip  easily breaks (read euro nymphing). Breaking the tip on an $800 dollar rod and having to send $50 bucks and then WAIT for the replacement part is not a DEAL.  It's an inconvenience that can be avoided.   Bamboo rod makers know the limitations of their materials and have almost always included a spare tip.  Why not graphite rod makers?  How about a rod with two tips of different lengths/actions for different situations at a reasonable price? They all claim to make the best rods so this engineering hurdle should be a piece cake.  Wait a minute!  That would mean some may not have to buy a second rod and that hurts the bottom line!! - Ken

BWO - Sizes 22 and 24

It's hard to believe that it's been a year since Covid 19 made landfall in the USA. Luckily, the nature of flyfishing (being outdoors and keeping your distance) has made our pastime fairly safe as compared to other forms of recreation. But don't let your guard down. Bring your masks and sanitize your hands.

One casualty of this pandemic is the Marlborough Flyfishing Show for 2021. I only go to this show every other year to see what's new (sometimes not much)!  Thank God for fly shops ESPECIALLY those that know the importance of selling online.  They get my business!!!
                                                                                           Simple Small  May Fly Nymph size 18

    Gaudy Patterns                                                                       
It seems that some of our trout fly patterns carry on the dubious tradition of being overly complicated like some old fashioned English/Scottish/ Irish salmon flies. It may be fun to fasten all kinds of glitz to a hook but does it make for a more effective fly.  If the fly is meant to represent an insect then the answer is NO!  I've now spent years going in a minimalist direction.  My mantra is "keep it simple".

The above nymph is a size 18, tied on a standard dry fly hook with olive 8/0 thread, a strand of crystal flash for the body and olive rabit for the thorax AND THAT"S IT!!!!!  You can replace the crystal flash with peacock quill or with goose or turkey biots as seen below.

Size 18 with turkey biot

At the top of the page is a bunch of BWO in sizes 22 and 24.  Notice that they don't have tails.  They are emergers with the tail end sinking just like a good emerger should.  I still consider them dries that also fill the bill as emergers.

As I finish up this post it has begun to snow with a temperature of 24 degrees and a wind chill of 14.  Only 58 more days until the first day of Spring!!



Anonymous said...

Yes, simple flies work the best.


Anonymous said...


The temperature in Worcester is 14 degrees with a wind chill of minus 2!