Check out the above photo. Many Millers fly fishers will recognize where this photo was taken - from the railroad trestle upstream from the Kempfield section. Check out the fly fisher in the photo. (click to enlarge) I had to take this photo BECAUSE this guy was the first fly fisher that I have ever seen working that stretch above the gateway rock that marks the beginning of the Kempfield. Throughout the season this section, with it's fast water chute, is always overlooked by fly fishers as they make their way down the hill to get to the fabled water. I will do the same thing if there is no one (or one) downstream. But if there are "a few" working the bend I'll work this section. Why fish it? First, it's fast chute at the head of the run is a great place to throw a big, bushy dry on a Summer evening. Second, the run is deep and rocky with plenty of holding area for browns and 'bows. Third, it always produces whether you are on the surface or slinging heavy buggers. In fact, heavy buggers work very well here. Fourth, it's a good lookout spot during the low flows of Fall to keep an eye open for rising browns in the big railroad pool just upstream. There have been a few late season evenings where my plans of fishing "around the bend" were canceled because of the upstream action. The drawback, as I see it, is that it can be slightly dangerous with it's many rocks during the high flows of Spring. Watch your step and always carry a wading staff. The bottom is totally different then the bottom just a hundred yards downstream.
So tuck this tidbit away for the next two months. When Hendricksons fade to March Browns this section will be ready!!!
I know that spot. That's where I tripped and fell in two years ago. You are so right about the rocks on that run. A wading staff is a must.
I hope that we have some decent flows this year. After last year I can't wait!
Are you familiar with the Western MA flyfishing expo at the ludlow elks?
I've gone to the last two that they have had. A good hardcore fly tying event! Hope to do it again next week.
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