Ok, I know that we are all going crazy looking for a place to fish especially on the Millers. There are a few things that we know. Spring stocking doesn't start in the central or western parts of the State until next week at the very earliest. It will probably start a few weeks after that. Even then, the flows on the Millers will be high - count on it. So the question is: where can I drift my buggers, streamers or heavy stonefly imitations with a limited chance of drowning AND a good chance of landing a few trout?
My first choice would be the Bridge St. Pool of the Millers just below Farley Flats. Check out the above photo. This WIDE riffle/pool section fishes well in higher water because it is WIDE - the flow is spread out through the riffles before it hits the deep pool below the bridge. Even with flows over 500cfs you have a good chance of working the bottom especially with a weighted fly and especially with a sinking tip AND EVEN MORE SO with a full sinking line. (Note: full sinking lines were the weapon of choice years ago until someone invented the sinking tip. I'll fish a full sinker over a sinking tip in high Spring water any day).
There was a raw Spring day a few years ago when I worked this riffle/pool stretch in heavy water. The clone bows hit that weighted stonefly but so did that 20 inch brown. A beautiful holdover fish.
A few pointers: 1.BRING A WADING STAFF!! I didn't say that it was easy wading, just a fishable section. 2. Get to the head of the riffles by walking under the bridge while heading upstream. It's safer!!
I had a great time at Charlie's this past Sunday. Lots of old friends and lots of new friends and lots of questions during my presentation. It was GREAT!!
It was great to meet you at Charlie's last Sunday. My son & I truly enjoyed your presentation and appreciate all the pointers to fishing spots on the Millers and Swift.
Hope to see you on the water this year.
Best regards,
Dean & Matt
Dan and Matt,
Thank you!!!
How does this section hold up later in the season?
If the flows hold up the section does well in the Summer. I wish that they would stock browns here.
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