Autumn On The EB

Autumn On The EB

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

What A Difference A Day Makes

"Above all, observe the fish. Better yet, observe the trout as if you were a predator that needs to catch it, not just a participant in a game. Edited-for-action fly fishing videos won't prepare you for approaching big, spooky trout" - Bob Wyatt

We know that Saturdays and Sundays can test your patience on the Swift with the hordes of anglers that those days bring.  It has now spilled over to Friday and Monday. On Monday it was packed like I've never seen it. Both Y lots were full and the Pipe lot had about a dozen cars in it and it was only 10 am.  What do you do?  Answer - take a short walk AWAY from the crowds, find your spot and fish it!  That's what I did and I had a great day of fishing dries to some good sized brookies.

As you know, I rail against the crowds on the Swift but at the same time I appreciate them. Without crowded spots we would not have empty spots.  It seems that fly fishers seem to like the safety of the flock which explains the Y Pool.  It gives one a chance to talk rods, reels, flies, trips and so on. "That's all they do is talk" was the response of one well known regional fly fisher.  I'm friendly on the stream BUT I don't search people out.

ONE DAY LATER - At 8am the Pipe Lot was empty, the Pipe was empty and the Tree Pool was empty. I spent the next two hours in Cady Lane and saw NOBODY!!!  I caught trout!

A Generic Emerger

Size 24 wide gap hook a small fly on a big hook

Olive thread for the body

Fine grey post wing synthetic material

brown or olive dubbing for the thorax.

Regardless of the species of mayfly ALL mayflies start to look the same in the small sizes. You can match up the colors but I think it doesn't make a difference.  You will want plenty of these for this Fall on the Millers and the Swift when BWO arrive!!!

We Need Rain

The EB is  low but still holds trout in certain places. The Millers, as I write, appears to be all screwed up with a massive release yesterday and an 87 cfs trickle so far today.  If anyone knows what's going on I would appreciate knowing about it.



Charles said...

On the Millers (UTD) yesterday evening. Wet-wading, and watched the water level on rocks drop 2 inches in 90 minutes. This morning it is at 75 and falling at the Bridge Pool; must be about dry higher up the river. I am guessing all dams were closed yesterday. Had my usual UTD take--three 8-10 inch chubs on a hopper. Every time one of these bends my 5wt over, I think surely it must be a brown. But no complaints. Casting to rises in a beautiful stretch of river lined by cardinal flowers in full bloom on a sunny summer evening with no one within miles (except the B&M engineer who waved from the passing train) beats sitting at my computer working any day--no matter what hits the hopper.

Millers River Flyfisher said...


You had a good trip and I could tell from your writing. Flyfishing is something more than catching fish and you know that!!!!

That goofy flow has me worried.


Gary said...

Every time an engineer waves from a passing train its a good trip.

Anonymous said...

Great looking generic emerger!

mattk said...

Swift tonight. Totally mobbed at pipe parking lot n Cady lane. FF section was loaded too. Found little room below rt 9 bridge. Ants...4 hook ups and lost 3 of em. But i got the biggest n he put on a show.

Millers River Flyfisher said...


Odd. I saw nobody all morning on Tuesday.


JoeS said...

Pipe lot was packed Wednesday afternoon. Had the usual "how'd you do today" convo with a guy walking out, who informed me you'd "only catch them on size 28's and 30's today". Got double digits and a hat trick on a size 18 DHE and a size 10 stimulator. Hoppers were falling from the trees.

Millers River Flyfisher said...


I love comments like yours where conventional wisdom gets thrown under the bus! Of course a # 18 DHE will work. I used that and a #20 DHE this morning and took bows and BT trout with it.


Tom T said...

Ken, landed a nice rainbow and a small brookie in the Duck pool with one of your partridge and olive soft hackles. Broke another rainbow off. Thanks for sharing your spots far from the madding crowds! I was able to backtrack upstream from Cady Lane after some rowdy kayakers blew through and had the tree pool to myself—a rare treat but no luck despite throwing everything in my flybox at the rising trout.

Millers River Flyfisher said...

Tom T,

The Tree Pool has far less pressure than in previous years. Very tough fish!!!


mattk said...

Wednesday night at about 4pm. To b accurate...4 cars in Cady, 7 cars at the pipe and 10/12 at rt 9. On a Wednesday? Damn!

Millers River Flyfisher said...


It's the after work crowd!
