Autumn On The EB

Autumn On The EB

Thursday, July 8, 2021

What Drought? A River Update

Accurately recalling a day of fishing id like trying to push smoke back down  a chimney, so you settle on these specific moments."  John Gierach

Here's where the rivers went over the past week.

Ware - 35 cfs on 7/1 140 cfs on 7/8

West Branch - 726 on 7/1, 267 0n 7/8

Swift - 114 cfs on 7/1, 96 on 7/8

EB - 359 on 7/1 411cf on 7/8

Millers - 327 on 7/1, 683cf on 7/8

Needless to say we have had heavy, crazy storms three days in a row which a rain jacket should take care of but it does nothing to ward off lightning and falling branches. So we cut the hours and cut the fee (fair is fair), lick our wounds and set up another date.

Here are some rivers of note: The Ware turned it all around with bows and browns on center stage. What a few inches of rain will do!!

The EB is into it's third week of good flows and good fishing.

The Millers was strong all of June and if it stays moderately wet in July it will be great.



Anonymous said...

Liquid gold for the freestones!

Paul Fay said...

Oh what a bit of rain will do, the tail end of that millers surge should prove fruitful for those that time it right, in other news I'm off to the white mountains for my annual campout. This year will mark the 22nd anniversary of my first trout on a fly and yes I will fish the same hallowed run, Wich has produced not only my first trout but also in later years one of the largest rainbows I've come across, I never measured it ( I never measured any fish) but was certainly in the trophy 20+ class, a lot of memories and good fishing days past and plenty more to make !

Millers River Flyfisher said...


My first "trips" were always to the Whites where I caught countless brookies in a stream called the Little River. Plunge pool after plunge pool! BTW, my NH clients like Ma trout. They say they are bigger.


Sam said...


Why in the world is the Swift still at high flow, 95 last I looked online. Surely the Connecticut River has adequate flow by now. Is water coming over the spillway?

Regards, Sam

Millers River Flyfisher said...


It's rained a lot since the end of June. Quabbin is not spilling over since July 1 and has been at 94% capacity as of that date. Controlling the flow is a real balancing act. You don't want to release lots of water to flood out property downstream but you need to create some capacity for snow melt. Don't for get the spawning brookies either!!


Falsecast said...

I want it to stay at 95 at the bubbler in case water comes over the spillway. In the past, they drop the flow to 50cfs from the bubbler when water comes over. We had regularly 200+ cfs flows. That means 3/4's of the water in the Swift is coming off the top of the Quabbin at 70+ degrees, 1/4 at 55 degrees. The water can get surprisingly warm, surprisingly fast. At that point who cares about the fishing, we should worry more about the water temps. Just my 2 cents. Of course, we all know that nobody seems to care of manage the flows for fish so it's unlikely any really water management would happen there.

Millers River Flyfisher said...


Remember one thing - Quabbin exists because it's a water supply first and a fishery second. When surface water its 70 degrees trout and salmon retreat to the depths where it's cool and are not effected by 70 degree water. In the Fall the reverse is true.
