Autumn On The EB

Autumn On The EB

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

A Dressed Up DSM Caddis And The Care And Feeding Of Ferrules


Caddis are the kings of freestone rivers. A fertile river with moderate temperatures is exactly what this insect likes. That's why the Millers and the Ware are loaded with them and that's why the Swift River isn't.

I have always liked the DMS Caddis because it works.  Here are a few changes:

Scud hook replaces the standard straight shanked hook.

Ice Dub (that's what I call it) in brown or olive replaces the grey natural beaver for the dubbing. (Just the right amount of glitter!)

Peacock herl replaces the ostrich herl.

In a few weeks we will see if this recreation works!!

A few days ago I got an email from a reader who had a "stuck" rod. I gave him instructions on the "2 person pull" and it worked.  But an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Follow this advice:

1. When assembling the rod DO NOT jam the sections together. They are designed to be put together with just the slightest pressure.

2. Stop rubbing a ferrule against the side of your nose to lube it up.  This dumb trick used to corrode more nickel silver ferrules than everything else combines. The fit should be a "dry" fit.

3. Don't twist the rod sections together. They are not to designed to be abused like that.  Twisting can weaken the wall of the tube and maybe cause the rod to fail.

4. Stay away from the ferrule garbage that's out there. The tiniest amount of paraffin or dry bar soap works great.  I've been using Ivory bar soap to clean my bamboo ferrules and it should work on graphite too.  I also use Ivory soap to "tighten up" a ferrule so don't use too much!!!

Flies and Flies

The orders are coming in. Thank You!  If you want the newer version of the DSM Caddis just order the older style from the order page and then send a short email mentioning the switch.



Anonymous said...

+2 on soaping!

Sam said...

Fished Bondsville for a few hours yesterday afternoon, Ken. A lot of insect life around, stoneflies, a lot of midges and a few caddis. I saw one caddis get stuck in the water film fluttering like crazy as it floated downstream. Nothing took interest in it as floated away, finally beyond my eye sight. No sense tying on an elk hair caddis if they aren't taking the natural. No hits, one of those days where I wonder if I am even fishing over any trout. The ice cold water did my knees good though. Even today they still feel good.

Best Regards, Sam

Millers River Flyfisher said...


Some trout are probably there and we can call them holdovers. I've noticed that there was a lot of anchor ice on some rivers which is never good.


Dean F said...

Hi Ken sadly I would like to pass on that your fellow blogger Alan Petrucci passed away on Sat 2/19. Alan wrote the blog “Small Stream Reflections” based mostly in Connecticut. I know he read your blog as I’ve seen his comments here on occasion under Brk Trt. I don’t know if you two ever talked or new each other but I thought you should know.


Millers River Flyfisher said...

Dean F.,

Oh God, this is very sad news. Alan wrote the blog that many of us wanted to write but just didn't have the talent to do so. I will miss him very much! My best to his family and many friends.
