Autumn On The EB

Autumn On The EB

Friday, March 8, 2024

Jumping The Gun On The EB

"The two best times to fish is when it's raining and when it isn't."

Chesterfield Gorge Access Road

I've had a couple of flyfishers sniffing around to see if any streams are producing, the EB in particular. The answer is NO, especially the freestones. As of this morning (3/8/24) the EB is flowing at 348 cfs and that is with them reducing the flow in half yesterday. With more rain this weekend.........!!!   The Millers is at 1790 cfs. Forgetaboutit!!

Freestone temperatures are hovering at 40 degrees.  Your best bet  would be to hit a blueline this weekend.

By the way, the Swift is at 490 cfs as I type. Don't expect the salmon to fly over the dam and into the Swift.  A little late in the year for that.

Tie Flies!!!

1 comment:

Steve B said...

Thanks Ken. I'm waiting till April