Autumn On The EB

Autumn On The EB

Friday, August 14, 2020

Home Waters


"As you've worked your way through a pool the lot you've been cast in life means less then how well you cast" - Mike Fitzgearld S.

A few years ago I took a trip to Montana because I just had to see, fish and feel those rivers that I've been reading about.  Now, I'm not one of those unlucky ones, trapped in some condo miles, or worse yet, hours away from the nearest trout river.  I"M SURROUNDED BY THEM! Not rivers of Montana standards of course, but good trout fishing none the less.  But going to Montana would be nice at least to see what it's all about.

I  had to take a flight from Hartford to Atlanta AND THEN take a flight to Bozeman.  The first thing I noticed was that at least 1/3 of the overhead carriers carried rod tubes.  God only knows how many rods went into standard luggage!  I then began to think of how many flights were to land in Bozeman that day and how many rod tubes would be unloaded.  I kept saying to myself - "It's a big state, don't worry"! (you know you're in trout country when guides are in the terminal holding signs with their clients names on them).

To make a long story short, the fishing was good, the rivers were beautiful and the mountains were beyond belief BUT I still kept thinking of my Home Rivers.  I found myself checking the Ma weather, the rainfall, the river flows and shooting emails back and forth with other trout bums.

I also remember that I hit the Millers the day after I got back.

    It was then that I really began to appreciate what we have here just like the Montana native who looks at the floatilla of drift boats and thinks "glad I don't have to travel to do that".

As you know we have the chance of hooking (but not necessarily landing) a 10lb brown on the Swift along with the best concentration of brookies in New England.

So, plan your trips but don't forget your Home Waters. My best fly fishing memories are from right here in Massachusetts!

The Drought

We need rain!  the entire state is on the dry side and with the exception of the Swift all the rivers are low.  The Swift flow has been on a roller coaster  ride over the last week with a 112 flow a week ago, a 53 cfs flow yesterday and now a 131 flow as I write.  What we need is about 3 inches of rain over 3 days!!!

Book Your Fall Trip!!!



BobT said...

There is no place like home....but....for me the draw of the west is the vast and incredible scenery the ridiculous amount of choice in where to fish and in particular, Yellowstone gives you the opportunity to fish among active volcanic/geyser activity combined with the chance you could get eaten by a grizzly bear...whats not to like and last I heard Cutthroat are not super abundant in New England. Frankly its about getting away for a set period of time and not have to answer to the urgency of home/job/spouse/etc for a set period of time and focusing pretty much just on fishing-its a mental reset of sorts.

Millers River Flyfisher said...


I hear ya!!


Anonymous said...

I cannot wait to fish the ware. Im so sick of the swift

Anonymous said...

Jeez from all the MA plates parked along the Farmington yesterday I thought everyone fishing the Swift had relocated to the Farmington! LOL

Millers River Flyfisher said...

Anonymous 7:07,

There is a large army of Ma anglers on the Farmington everyday as there are NY and NJ anglers. If they like the crowded conditions so be it. When I fish it it's in the late Fall or early winter when conditions seem less crowded. What does you licence plate say?


Anonymous 11:56,

We need some rain to fix that.


Paul Fay said...

A good boost of rain should get the freestones back in action for the early fall ... should give everyone a chance to spread out a bit and find some good holdovers!

Millers River Flyfisher said...

Paul Fay,

I hope but GOOD rain isn't in the forecast. I'm thankful for the 7 brookies and 2 bows I took this morning at the 2nd turnoff. Nobody in sight from 7am until 9 ish then I saw 2 anglers WAY below me. Basically I had the place to myself.

It's weird but I fished a size 16 sulphur emerger and did nothing until I went over to the reliable partridge and orange size 14 and it caught everything. I thought the sulphur would do it.


Paul Fay said...

Ken, honestly partridge with olive or orange take 99 percent of the trout I catch even when duns are present... the swing is king!

Millers River Flyfisher said...


As you might of guessed I'm about 99% too!!
