Autumn On The EB

Autumn On The EB

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Nothing Is New

 "Nobody goes there anymore, it's too crowded! - Yogi Berra

Sometimes you think that you have discovered something that is brand new only to find that you have been beaten to the finish line by someone else.  Here's the story: I go through a lot of tying thread, most of it in the construction of fly bodies and most of that in making soft hackles but also in the tying of some pedestrian patterns such as WB's, streamers and such.  In short, bodies take up a lot of thread that is probably best used in other applications.  So, one day I'm in the local Walmart and I end up walking into the sewing aisle and there it is - a huge display of polyester thread in EVERY shade of the color spectrum (well, almost). The diameter appeared to be about 3/0 which is just right for thread bodies on wet flies in the size 10 through 16 which is the bulk of my wet fly tying.  So, I bought a few spools (300 yards for $2.50 each) and tied up some flies.  The trout loved them and that was the only test I needed.

Here's the rest of the story. I am reading the latest newsletter from the Western Ma Flyfishers when I see that local fish hawk Dan Trela has been using this thread for years which I would consider a good seal of approval.

The thread is made by Coates & Clark.  Try it out!!

At least I was the first to use Flex Seal on leaky waders.( I think)

This may be one of the best fly fishing Autumns in recent memory.  Get out there and fish!!!!!



Andrew said...

Hi Ken, I remember reading your post where you said you used flexseal on your waders. I tried it on a pair of leaky waders and can confirm that it works. Have a great week.

"Doc" said...


It's just about the right season. How do you feel about using head cement lacquered Christmas Tree tinsel in place of fly shop tinsel for streamer bodies?

Would you like more "found objects" for fly tying? I've got a bench full.


"Doc" said...


What do you think about using laqured Christmas Tree tinsel in place of fly shop purchased tinsel for streamer bodies?


Millers River Flyfisher said...


Flexseal gets it done!


I don't tie a lot of streamers with or without tinsel and I think head cement is nasty stuff. I use just plain old crystal flash for the bodies when I need it.


Dean F said...

Before I became a fly tyer my wife used to have to drag me kicking and screaming into a Hobby Lobby or Michael's-


Bob O said...

For me, JoAnn Fabrics has yielded wire for ribbing and glass beads for the midbody of SJW's. Plenty of other stuff, like foam and other synthetics can be gleaned from the likes of Michael's, etc.

Figures that Dan would have sniffed em out long ago.

Millers River Flyfisher said...

Bob O,

I get beads from Michael's plus a double lifetime supply of silica gel for dusting off dry flies. It's cheap!! I have found tiny rings that jewelry craftsmen use for making necklaces (tippet rings). I've found lace material for mayfly wings not to mention craft fur for streamers. I'm like a kid in a candy store!!!
