Autumn On The EB

Autumn On The EB

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Bet On The Baetis

 "I have not failed. I just found 10,000 wats that won't work" - John Gierach

This fly may account for more full stomachs on your average trout stream than any other insect.  The word "Baetis"  is a catch-all for at least a half dozen different mayflies with the Grand Blue Winged Olive, mostly known as the BWO, leading the way.  All of these species lumped into this group have a few things in common - they are small, love to hang out in the nymph stage in weedy areas, like to drift around and take their time emerging and they are a ball to fish.

Size 18 to 22 will work. The body should be olive or brown thread with a fur thorax (mine is a light olive).  Tails are optional.

Find a steady but slow flow that may be a few feet deep.  Use a long leader of 12 to 15 feet in a size 6x.  Drift this fly down and across keeping the line fairly taunt.  This method works well especially in the very early morning when you have that activity called "behavioral drift", namely the whole baetis population decides to check out new neighborhoods.

These insects will rule the stage from now through the Fall.

Have Fun!!!



Anonymous said...

You mean "taut" of course, but I'm betting that was an auto-correct. Love the idee, and only wish these tired eyes could tie on a fly that small.

Millers River Flyfisher said...


I love the "idee" too!!!
