Autumn On The EB

Autumn On The EB

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Sulphur Season And Weird Awards And The State Of The Rivers


I enjoy fishing too much to risk my life at it.  Death can really cut into your fishing time. - John Gierach

My Favorite Sulphur Pattern

It was two years ago when I witnessed one of the best insect hatches I've ever seen on the Swift. For most of June and a lot of July the birds (Cedar Waxwings) would start swooping along the river around 10am picking off these delicate yellowish mayflies by the thousands.  I had birds come so close to me while chasing these bugs that I could feel their wings beat  close to my face.  One angler actually got hit in the head by one of these crazed birds.  It was wonderful!!!

Yes, you can toss a dry fly BUT you will have more success with a small (size 18 to 20) soft hackle.  It is the fly to use BEFORE the hatch and is the perfect emerger pattern during the hatch (remember, most surface disturbances that we see are not trout taking insects on the surface but insects just below the surface.

The State of the Rivers

Here is where we are at 6am, June 1

The Ware - 353cfs (this was the best river for the month of May)

West Branch -328cfs

Swift             -46cfs

Millers          - 1110cfs

EB                -534cfs

We have a dry and hot week coming up so we can be thankful for the water.  The Swift is fine, the EB will be fine in 24 hours, give the Ware and the West Branch until Friday and who knows about the Millers.

Beware the Awards

"The worst is when they email out of the blue to ‘congratulate’ you. Usually, they’ll want you to pop an ‘award badge’ on your site; which, embedded in the code, is a follow link. Sites like Feedspot are the absolute worst for this.

What is feedspot? It’s a site that claims to be legit but they will keep hounding you to put the badge on your site and they even replicate your content on their site without permission. I’ve emailed them several times about basically running my full blog posts on their site which they claim helps them with traffic. They still haven’t removed my site from their's!"  

I've seen these "awards" before and I stay clear of them and their offers. They will award anyone including cat blogs, baby boomer blogs, amigurumi blogs (that's yarn art), Christian book review blogs and such with a garish gold medal which appears to be a tracking device.  It's funny but some of these "ranked" blogs have very little activity with  little or no new content.

This blog has had a steady growth pattern for years. Growth, in my mind, comes from page views and READER COMMENTS!!!

                                                 Praying Mantis

No, I didn't tie this critter, I just like the looks of it.  I wouldn't fish it either. I'd be afraid that I'd stick it in a tree. 

Book an evening trip!



Anonymous said...

That Sulphur has always worked on the Swift. We just need some fish in the river.

The praying mantis is unreal!!


Millers River Flyfisher said...


It's a bit of a mystery as to where the trout are. I know one guy who took 17 from the tree pool a week ago but that's about it.


Chico said...

That is because stocking a stream these days means dumping 100 rainbows into one pool only.

Anonymous said...

Why bother posting about "awards" that you have decided to decline? Doesn't make much sense...
More fly fishing content instead please

Millers River Flyfisher said...

Anonymous 5:44,

I don't think you get it. The "awards" are just a bogus attempt to embed a follow link.


Anonymous said...

Hi Ken,
I fished the Swift on Wednesday and it is still running very, very low and very slow. There was a very significant sulfur hatch during the early afternoon. I've only been fishing that river about three years and I've never seen such a hatch before: they were swarming all over. I forgot my dry fly box at home, but it didn't matter. I took about 17-18 brookies on an assortment of small streamers, pheasant tail nymphs and a sulfur emerger that another angler was kind enough to give me.

Although I caught fish, I agree with the above poster that there does not appear to be as many fish as I've seen in past years.
Tom from Boston

Hunter said...

Down river ken! Wink wink.


Millers River Flyfisher said...


Got It!!

Chico said...

Maybe DFW is reading this blog and has decided to let the Swift become more of a self sustaining brook tout (and brown trout) fishery? So all you catch and keep fisher people, nothing to see here....