Autumn On The EB

Autumn On The EB

Sunday, December 12, 2021

The Snowshoe Emerger aka Wyatt's Emerger

 "CDC is pretty much a one fish fly because after one fish it's usually too slimed up"  - Bob Wyatt

You can't beat this dry fly.  It is a perfect general imitator of most average sized (sizes 14 through 18) aquatic insects. The deer mask body is rough and spikey and nothing floats like Snowshoe foot fur!  This fly takes a beating but a shake or two of float powder brings it all back. 

 You would think that more dry flies would incorporate this material but it is kind of hard to work with.  Here's some hints.

The photo below is of a snowshoe foot that is upside down with the sole of the foot pointing up.  That fur is what you want plus the fur that's between the toes.

(I dyed that foot an olive color that's why it looks strange but it's one that I haven't chopped up yet so you can get a good look at it). Get an good pair of sharp scissors and cut off some strips of fur.

A tiny moustache comb is great for combing out the fur while it's still on the foot before you cut it.

Use an emerger or light scud hook and NOT A STANDARD DRY FLY HOOK. I have abandoned the standard dry fly profile (tail, tight body, hackle and upright wing) because most flies are eaten when they are stuck in the surface film and not while riding the surface.


BobT said...

I love that stuff...its unbeatable for floatability and looks buggy...I still do like hackled flies more for their aesthetics if well tied but if I was starting out from scratch trying to tie my own dry flies I'd recommend learning this type of fly and some hair wing flies...this and some good deer/elk hair would be top of my list of materials.

Millers River Flyfisher said...


I love deer hair and snowshoe fur, elk, not so much.


Sam said...


Nice looking fly. Do you ever tie a small nymph dropper off of that?


Millers River Flyfisher said...


No, but I should!!


mike said...

Wyatt's DHE (snowshoe hare version, too) have been in my boxes forever. Fantastic pattern. Wyatt also has some interesting points of view on fly fishing as well; worth a read.

Millers River Flyfisher said...


I am a disciple of Bob Wyatt and all the info he has given us about truisms regarding what trout really want. Impressionistic flies and presentation of those flies are what really counts when it comes to FOOLING trout.
